Advanced analytics platform for ThetaRay


  • Big datasets
  • Internationalization
  • Data visualization


  • Web


  • AngularJS
  • Angular
  • MobX
  • RxJS
  • D3
  • SVG
  • AG Grid
  • HighCharts


7 people
76 weeks


April 2017

ThetaRay takes structured data and applies its algorithms to figure out anomalies in the data.

We worked closely with Thetaray to build a rich dashboard on top of their anomaly detection platform. The UI included huge data grids that ran smoothly, and interactive tailor-made visualizations.

Our people behind the project:
Idan Naim
Shmuela Jacobs
Ron Langer
Gilad Chase
Adam Klein
Nir Kaufman
Vlad Sternbach
The project includes very nice dashboards that show a lot of data (could be millions of rows, thousands of columns).
Complex work with SVG, visualisations, math calculations, D3. Very complex pages, many components that interact with each other. Complex client side logic like filtering, caching with local storage, etc.

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